01732-06 01732-06 science clinic hospital Barmherzige Brüder Brothers of God Regensburg order
01733-06 01733-06 science clinic hospital Barmherzige Brüder Brothers of God Regensburg order
01734-06 01734-06 science clinic St. Hedwig clinical center centre for children and
01735-06 01735-06 science clinic St. Hedwig clinical center centre for children and
01908-06 01908-06 physical therapist physiotherapist physical therapy clinic hospital to learn to
01909-06 01909-06 physical therapist physiotherapist physical therapy clinic hospital to learn to
01910-06 01910-06 physical therapist physiotherapist physical therapy clinic hospital to learn to
01911-06 01911-06 physical therapist physiotherapist physical therapy clinic hospital to learn to
15643-06 15643-06 science work occupation profession doctor health clinic hospital lung lungs
15644-06 15644-06 science work occupation profession doctor health clinic hospital lung lungs
15645-06 15645-06 science work occupation profession doctor health clinic hospital lung lungs
15646-06 15646-06 science work occupation profession doctor health clinic hospital lung lungs
00717-06 00717-06 religious Regensburg town city view rural district Kreuzhofkapelle Barbing exterior
00718-06 00718-06 religious Regensburg town city view rural district Kreuzhofkapelle Barbing exterior
00719-06 00719-06 religious Regensburg town city view rural district Kreuzhofkapelle Barbing exterior
00720-06 00720-06 religious Regensburg town city view rural district Kreuzhofkapelle Barbing exterior
15462-06 15462-06 to call hand
45006-07 45006-07 worm to spin cocoon
45010-07 45010-07 fun acrobatics acrobat brakdance brakdancer nature forest handstand rock rocks
00385-06 00385-06 religious Regensburg town city town city view historical town city
00386-06 00386-06 religious Regensburg town city town city view historical town city
00387-06 00387-06 religious Regensburg town city town city view historical town city
00388-06 00388-06 religious Regensburg town city town city view historical town city
00389-06 00389-06 religious Regensburg town city town city view historical town city
00390-06 00390-06 religious Regensburg town city town city view historical town city
00391-06 00391-06 religious Regensburg town city town city view historical town city
00393-06 00393-06 Regensburg town city town city view historical town city centre
00394-06 00394-06 Regensburg town city town city view historical town city centre
00395-06 00395-06 Regensburg town city town city view historical town city centre
00392-06 00392-06 Regensburg town city town city view historical town city centre
00396-06 00396-06 Regensburg town city town city view historical town city centre
45022-07 45022-07 branch branches arm arms stick sticks crotch crotches
27671-07 27671-07 wedding nature plant rose roses flower flowers bouquet of flowers
27672-07 27672-07 car wedding car bridal couple just married
27673-07 27673-07 soup Griesnockerl Griesnockerlsuppe special Bavarian soup
45017-07 45017-07 insect fly flower blossom leaf leaves
00362-06 00362-06 with interior profile interior illustration interior view jewish synagogue Neupfarrplatz
00363-06 00363-06 exterior view jewish synagogue Neupfarrplatz (source: Museum of History, publication
00364-06 00364-06 etching jewish synagogue by the painter Albrecht Altdorfer Neupfarrplatz (source:
00383-06 00383-06 religious Regensburg town city town city view historical town city
00384-06 00384-06 religious Regensburg town city town city view historical town city
15129-06 15129-06 religious Regensburg town city view historical town city center historical
15130-06 15130-06 religious Regensburg town city view historical town city center historical
15131-06 15131-06 religious Regensburg town city view historical town city center historical
00376-06 00376-06 religious Regensburg town city town city view historical town city
00377-06 00377-06 religious Regensburg town city town city view historical town city
00380-06 00380-06 religious Regensburg town city town city view historical town city
00378-06 00378-06 religious Regensburg town city town city view historical town city
00379-06 00379-06 religious Regensburg town city town city view historical town city
00356-06 00356-06 monuments excavation arts exhibition exhibit find tetragonal mug with two
00359-06 00359-06 Old city hall town hall painter from Regensburg unknown about
00360-06 00360-06 Old city hall town hall place painter from Regensburg detail
00361-06 00361-06 Old city hall town hall place painter from Regensburg detail
00357-06 00357-06 monuments excavation arts exhibition exhibit find tetragonal mug with two
00358-06 00358-06 monuments excavation arts exhibition exhibit find stele glass stalk glass,
17520-06 17520-06 children boy girl transport baggage cart luggage car valise valises
00354-06 00354-06 religious Regensburg town city town city view historical town city
00355-06 00355-06 religious Regensburg town city town city view historical town city
00365-06 00365-06 religious Regensburg town city town city view historical town city
00366-06 00366-06 religious Regensburg town city town city view historical town city
00367-06 00367-06 religious Regensburg town city town city view historical town city
00368-06 00368-06 religious Regensburg town city town city view historical town city
00369-06 00369-06 religious Regensburg town city town city view historical town city
00370-06 00370-06 religious former minster Our blessed Lady or "Maria in abandonment"
00372-06 00372-06 religious former minster Our blessed Lady or "Maria in abandonment"
00371-06 00371-06 religious former minster Our blessed Lady or "Maria in abandonment"
00373-06 00373-06 religious former minster Our blessed Lady or "Maria in abandonment"
00374-06 00374-06 religious former minster Our blessed Lady or "Maria in abandonment"
00375-06 00375-06 religious former minster Our blessed Lady or "Maria in abandonment"
17528-06 17528-06 boy leisure time pleasure festival indian reservation fun park festivity
00346-06 00346-06 religious Regensburg town city town city view historical town city
00347-06 00347-06 religious Regensburg town city town city view historical town city
00353-06 00353-06 religious Regensburg town city town city view historical town city
00348-06 00348-06 religious Regensburg town city town city view historical town city
00349-06 00349-06 religious Regensburg town city town city view historical town city
00350-06 00350-06 religious Regensburg town city town city view historical town city
00351-06 00351-06 religious Regensburg town city town city view historical town city
00352-06 00352-06 religious Regensburg town city town city view historical town city
17534-06 17534-06 city Ottawa American Embassy
17529-06 17529-06 city Vancouver arts exhibition Contemporary Art museum Ron Mueck reflection
15698-06 15698-06 assistant rubber gloves Latex protective clothing gloves to take blood
15699-06 15699-06 assistant rubber gloves Latex protective clothing gloves to take blood
15700-06 15700-06 assistant rubber gloves Latex protective clothing gloves to take blood
17533-06 17533-06 city Ottawa American Embassy
15701-06 15701-06 doctor health care medical science human being child boy paediatric
15702-06 15702-06 doctor health care medical science human being child boy paediatric
17535-06 17535-06 city Ottawa Houses of Parliament hill Peace Tower The Hill
17536-06 17536-06 city Ottawa Houses of Parliament hill Peace Tower The Hill
17537-06 17537-06 city Ottawa Houses of Parliament hill Peace Tower The Hill
00332-06 00332-06 religious Regensburg town city town city view historical town city
00333-06 00333-06 religious Regensburg town city town city view historical town city
00334-06 00334-06 religious Regensburg town city town city view historical town city
17509-06 17509-06 goldfishes bag water
17510-06 17510-06 goldfishes bag water hand hands
17511-06 17511-06 goldfishes bag water hand hands
17512-06 17512-06 goldfishes bag water hand hands
17513-06 17513-06 goldfishes bag water hand face child pet pets
17514-06 17514-06 sleeping to sleep car child car seat voyage trip puppet
01739-06 01739-06 emergency medical technician health care medical science ambulance officer red
01740-06 01740-06 emergency medical technician health care medical science ambulance officer red