15233-05 15233-05 housewife nutrition food preparation household to cook to prepare vegetables
15234-05 15234-05 housewife nutrition food preparation household to cook to prepare vegetables
15235-05 15235-05 housewife nutrition food preparation household to cook to prepare noodles
15205-05 15205-05 shopping trade to go shopping to buy convenience products convenience
15206-05 15206-05 shopping trade to go shopping to buy convenience products convenience
15207-05 15207-05 shopping trade to go shopping to buy convenience products convenience
15208-05 15208-05 shopping trade to go shopping to buy convenience products convenience
15199-05 15199-05 carer of the elderly leisure time pleasure man human being
15200-05 15200-05 carer of the elderly leisure time pleasure man human being
15201-05 15201-05 carer of the elderly leisure time pleasure man human being
15202-05 15202-05 carer of the elderly leisure time pleasure man human being
15203-05 15203-05 carer of the elderly leisure time pleasure man human being
15204-05 15204-05 carer of the elderly leisure time pleasure man human being
00915-05 00915-05 swallows young swallows young offspring children of swallows artificial swallow
00916-05 00916-05 of human beings human beings crowd men women push crampedness
15176-05 15176-05 catholic Joseph Ratzinger Pope Benedikt XVI former cardinal of the
15177-05 15177-05 professor Dr. Gerhard Ludwig Müller former prefect of the Congregation
27634-07 27634-07 cameraman camera man media press broadcast news television TV Video
15178-05 15178-05 Catholic ordination to the priesthood to lie prayer ceremony carpet
01098-05 01098-05 religious Regensburg town city view historical town city centre historical
01099-05 01099-05 religious Regensburg town city view historical town city centre historical
01100-05 01100-05 religious Regensburg town city view historical town city centre historical
01101-05 01101-05 religious Regensburg town city view historical town city centre historical
01102-05 01102-05 religious Regensburg town city view historical town city centre historical
01103-05 01103-05 religious Regensburg town city view historical town city centre historical