01014-10 01014-10 Regensburg city town city view old town historic center centre
01015-10 01015-10 Regensburg city town city view old town historic center centre
01005-10 01005-10 religious Regensburg city town city view church St. Kassian Kassian
01006-10 01006-10 religious Regensburg city town city view old town historic center
01007-10 01007-10 religious Regensburg city town city view old town historic center
01008-10 01008-10 religious Regensburg city town city view old town historic center
01003-10 01003-10 Regensburg town city view Altes Rathaus old town hall old
01004-10 01004-10 Regensburg town city view Altes Rathaus old town hall old
50510-10 50510-10 street road snow spruce car cars automobile automobiles tailligt tailligts
50513-10 50513-10 car cars automobile automobiles traffic jam traffic congestion street road
50516-10 50516-10 stret weather snow snow-clearing vehicle snowplow snow plow snowplough snow
50511-10 50511-10 street weather snow snow shoveling snow shovelling snow shovel residential
50512-10 50512-10 bike bikes bicycle bicycles weather snow wheel wheels snowbound covered
50514-10 50514-10 decoration religion Christianity Santa snowbound covered in with snow snow
50515-10 50515-10 time pleasure fun season winter landscape scenery river nature water
50517-10 50517-10 street weather snow snow-clearing vehicle snowplow snow plow snowplough snow
56413-10 56413-10 builder economy building construction building trade building lot construction works
56414-10 56414-10 occupation profession builder economy building construction building trade building lot
56415-10 56415-10 occupation profession builder economy building construction building trade building lot
56416-10 56416-10 builder economy building construction building trade building lot construction works
56417-10 56417-10 building trade building lot construction works crane tower crane building
56418-10 56418-10 builder economy building construction building trade building lot construction works
56355-10 56355-10 man weather ice snow car vehicle hood clean scrape the
56356-10 56356-10 man weather ice snow car vehicle hood clean scrape the
00991-10 00991-10 religious Regensburg city town city view old town historic center