- File size TIFF:
- 10,1 MB
- File size JPEG:
- 0,3 MB
- Size at 300 dpi
- 19,5 x 13 cm
- Pixel size:
- 2303 x 1535 px
- Original format:
- digital 16.7 megapixel
- Keywords:
- religion Christianity Catholicism catholic pope pontifex papal voyage journey Benedikt XVI. Joseph Ratzinger Bavaria visit home town hometown Regensburg Pentling community cardinal professor Dr. Gerhard Ludwig Müller former prefect of the Congregation of the Faith in the Vatican Rome former diocese bishop diocese headmaster diocese Regensburg dogmatist former professor of dogmatic Ludwig-Maximilian University Munich pastor Johann Pelg
Religion Christentum Katholizismus katholisch Pastoralreise Papst Benedikt XVI. Joseph Ratzinger Bayern Besuch Heimatort Regensburg Friedhof Pentling Kardinal Professor Dr. Gerhard Ludwig Müller ehemaliger Präfekt der Glaubenskongregation im Vatikan Rom ehemaliger Diözesanbischof em. Bistumsleitung Bistum Diözese Regensburg Dogmatiker ehemaliger Professor Lehrstuhl für Dogmatik Ludwig-Maximilian-Universität München Pfarrer Johann Pelg
- This image can although be found in following categories:
- subjects > religion > christianity