- File size TIFF:
- 10,1 MB
- File size JPEG:
- 0,3 MB
- Size at 300 dpi
- 13 x 19,5 cm
- Pixel size:
- 1535 x 2303 px
- Original format:
- digital 17.9 megapixel
- Keywords:
- portrait Tanja Schweiger bank business management assistant business graduate politician member of the Bayerischer Landtag MdL member of the Bavarian Landtag Freie Wähler candidate to the Landrat Regensburg Pettendorf
Portrait Porträt Tanja Schweiger Bankkauffrau Dipl.-Kauffrau Politikerin Mitglied Bayerischer Landtag MdL Freie Wähler Landratskandidatin Regensburg Pettendorf
- This image can although be found in following categories:
- people > Regensburg > politics